Nathan Meek - (1794-1883) --
Nathan Meek - (1829- ) --
Hannums Meek - (1852-1928) --
Thomas Meek - (1799- ) --
Jonathan Meek - (1814- ) --
Connections between these men has not been proven. Nathan's death record says he was born 1794 in Greene Co., PA and names his father, John Meek. There was Thomas Meek in the 1830 census of Greene Co., PA and the ages are consistent with the 1840 and 1850 Ohio census.
The 1840 census of Tuscarawas Co., OH, Perry TWP, page 336 lists Nathan Meeks age 40-50, Jonathan age 20-30 and Thomas, age 30-40. The 1850 census of Tuscarawas Co., OH, Perry TWP, page 316 lists Thomas age 51 and Jonathan age 36. Nathan is thought to be in Monroe County in 1850 however he returned to Tuscarawas County by 1860. Oral histories indicate that both Nathan and Thomas were from Greene Co., PA. These three men clearly had a close relationship.
If you have any questions, E-mail Chris Meek